What APs Need to Know: RET-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Megan May, PharmD, BCOP, FAPO, FHOPA, and Beth Sandy, MSN, CRNP, review the use of next-generation sequencing and the newer RNA-sequencing to test for RET mutations that can be found within non-small cell lung cancer. They also discuss managing common adverse effects from treatment, including hypertension, anemia, neutropenia, edema, and hepatic toxicity, and share the ways they educate and increase drug adherence with their patients.
Meet the faculty

Megan May
Baptist Health Lexington
Megan May is a clinical oncology pharmacy specialist whose primary responsibilities include collaborating with the medical hematology/oncology team in the care of patients with a variety of cancer disease states. She serves on various editorial boards and has published in several peer-reviewed medical journals.

Beth Sandy
University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center
Beth Sandy is a nurse practitioner specializing in thoracic malignancies. She serves on various editorial boards and has published in several peer-reviewed medical journals. She speaks nationally and internationally on the topics of lung cancer and the supportive care needs of patients with lung cancer.
- FDA approves selpercatinib for lung and thyroid cancers with RET gene mutations or fusions. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. May 8, 2020. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resources-information-approved-drugs/fda-approves-selpercatinib-lung-and-thyroid-cancers-ret-gene-mutations-or-fusions
- American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Lung Cancer: How common is lung cancer? https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/lung-cancer/about/key-statistics.html#:~:text=Lung%20cancer%20mainly%20occurs%20in,when%20diagnosed%20is%20about%2070. Accessed December 14, 2023.
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